About Us

Alert magazine

The Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Magazine

Alert – The Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Magazine has been in publication since 1987. We are committed to reducing the abuse of drugs and alcohol through education efforts in our high schools.

what topics do you cover?

Every issue of Alert includes information about drug and alcohol abuse prevention and education. We also cover new and emerging drug trends that teens may be experimenting with. Our hope is to alert and educate parents, teachers, and the community.

We also address other challenges teens face. These topics may include forming healthy dating relationships, avoiding risky social media fads, and tips for maintaining good mental and emotional health.

Do my ad dollars stay local?

Your ad dollars pay for magazines to be printed, published, and shipped for your state. Your ad dollars also pay for the scholarships we provide to high school seniors from your state.

High schools aren't my target market. How does this benefit me?

Your support is what makes Alert Magazine possible. Advertisers directly support our drug and alcohol abuse prevention and education efforts, allowing us to create and distribute each magazine issue. Your support also shows the kids and community that you are a drug free workplace and that you support drug free activities.